Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow was the founding female in the Marvel cinematic Universe. Starting off as an oversexualized badass, her character has evolved with a dismal romantic arc, light character development, and an untimely demise at the peak of Avengers: Endgame. Finally, the OG female gets her time to shine in this prequel/sequel entity that has been delayed approximately a bazillion times. Was the near year and a half wait worth it? Let's dive in...
Black Widow is a middle of the pack action spy-thriller. It feels like a c-graded Mission Impossible with a nauseating motion camera. At times, it made me feel nauseous with how jerky the view could be. The story is acceptable, with more references to family than a Fast & Furious movie. What was frustrating to me in the story was the lack of believability. Yes I know this is a fantasy Marvel film, but Black Widow does not have powers. She should not have been able to survive many of the things she did without a scratch on her.
The highlight of this film is my newest Marvel queen, Florence Pugh. Pugh shows brilliant timing with a more comedic performance than we are used to from Midsomar or Little Women. David Harbor continues to give me fantasies that guys with dad bods are pretty useful too.
All in all, this movie is nothing special to write home about. I enjoyed it. That's it.
Grade: (6/10)
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