A Series of Passive Aggressive Haikus by a Young, Frustrated, and Awful Poet Who Is Trying To Deal With His Emotions in a Healthy Medium.

I think I am strong,
till the sight of your smiling face
breaks me down to  pieces

It's hard, acting
like I've never held you in
intimate moments.

In those still minutes,
we were continually heated
by our own passions.

Here in the present,
we are obligated to be
so cold and frigid

I would almost like
if you said how you hated me.
It sure beats silence.

Read, seen, and opened
are all of my messages, where
I try to greet you.

Instead, I am left
With maybes, what-ifs, and your scent
trapped inside my nose.

How can I focus,
On retinal fields, when you
still kidnap my thoughts?

commands, "I shall not shed a tear!"
Fuck gender roles.

Maybe I'll tell you
how broken you make me feel
when you don't call.

Or even better!
I'll write a shitty poem
so you understand.
