Ranking the Best Picture Nominees

So this year, I saw all of the Oscar Nominees for Best Picture.  My friend Tim also did a ranking of all of the Best Picture nominees, and it inspired me to do my own.  Keep in mind, I enjoyed all of these movies this year, and there isn't a weak link among them.   Here is my ranking for all of the Best Picture Nominees

8. Bridge of Spies
Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg team up for their 4th collaboration which tells the (slightly fabricated tale of James Donovan, and how he negotiated with the trading of spies with the Soviet Union.  This is a classic Spielberg movie.  High sentimentality, deep American patriotic views, and Tom Hanks playing a morally sound character.   For the first time in all of their collaborations, Hanks' performance is not the one that shines.  However, that goes to Mark Rylance, who in an incredibly nuanced performance, plays Communist spy Rudolf Abel.  Though this is another solid entry from Spielberg, I would have to say that it was my least favorite of the nominees this year.  A little mundane, and a long run time make this movie a little drawn out for my tastes.

Grade: 8/10

7. The Martian

Though he has had an incredibly diverse career, director Ridley Scott is well known for being a master of science fiction.  Creating Alien and Blade Runner, The Martian is another entry to Scott's already impressive canon of science fiction films.  The film follows Mark Watney, a stranded astronaut on Mars as he struggles to survive until another crew comes back to Mars.  Though its believability factor was non-existent, this was one of the more entertaining movies I saw this year.  Matt Damon does a great job carrying a relative one man show with humor.  Drew Goddard did a spectacular job adapting the screenplay, and totally deserve the nomination.  The Martian was a very enjoyable and fun movie to add to this year's repertoire.

Grade: 8.5/10

6. The Big Short

I have to be honest, when this movie was announced I was incredibly skeptical.  Though it had an absolutely stellar cast with some of Hollywood's biggest stars, I was unsure of Adam McKay being the proper choice to direct this movie.  Best known for producing such comedy hits as the Anchorman movies, I was unsure if McKay could make the switch to drama in the Big Short.  McKay does this and more, putting together a delightful dramedy filled with fun cameos (No spoilers)  this story tells the tale of the men who predicted the impending crash of the real estate market, and made millions doing it. Steve Carrell and Christian Bale especially show their talents in this movie.  It was also wonderful to see Ryan Gosling return to the screen after he went into hiding after the flops of Only God Forgives and Gangster Squad.  Making a comedy-drama  about such a touchy period in United States is tricky, especially when it's about controversial figures who made money off of the common person's failure, but McKay delivers a well crafted and well scripted movie.

Grade: 8.7/10

5.  Room

I was so psyched when I heard this project announced.  Consistent indie film darling Brie Larson starring in a movie directed by Lenny Abrahamson, who crafted the bizarre masterpiece Frank teaming up together?  It sounded like a winning formula to me.  Wow was I right.  Larson dazzles as the mother of Jack, a child who, along with his mother, grown up in a solitary room where they have been kept captive for years.  Ma educates  and protects Jack, as room is the only world he knows.  Usually, I hate children actors.  They are an absolute nuisance and their voices sound like nails on a chalkboard to me.  that being said, i can't remember the last time  a child actor delivered such a powerhouse performance as Jacob Tremblay.  Though he was shamefully not recognized by the Academy, he delivers one of the best child performances ever.  Watching this movie, I knew that Brie Larson was the favorite to win  Best Actress this year, and rightfully so. (It isn't just because she favorited some tweets I said about her.  No really, she did, and I want to brag about it, so the screenshot is below.

Grade: 8.9/10

4. Brooklyn

I knew absolutely nothing about this movie when I walked in.  I saw this movie at the historic  Old Greenbelt Theater, which is one of my favorite theaters on the planet.  Seeing a period piece in a historic theater has a certain charm and consistency that is hard to explain, but the magic was there before the projector even started.  Brooklyn is such a low-key charming movie.  The story tells the tale of Irish immigrant Eilis Lacey, as she finds a new way of life in America.  She meets and falls in love with Italian American plumber Tony.  She is now torn between her family at home, and her new love in America.  Director John Crowley brought this beautiful romance novel to life.  Very rare is it to see such a charming romance be as good as Brooklyn is.  Anchored by the unbelievable chemistry between stars Saoirse Ronan and Emory Cohen, Brooklyn was probably the most charming and tender movie I saw this year.

Grade: 9.3/10

3. Spotlight

There are movies that really capture the nature of journalism and media, and the impact it has on this country.  Immediately thought of All the President's  Men, Zodiac, and even now Nightcrawler pop into our heads when we think of the great journalism of all time.  Spotlight now joins this.  I cannot describe how uncomfortable Spotlight made me.  Talking about the priest molestation scandal within the Archdiocese of Boston is a serious and difficult subject matter that most people do not wish to discuss.  Spotlight reminds us of the horrific cover up, and makes us reinvent our  feelings disgust and shame that this ever happened.  As someone who grew up Catholic, it confronted me with feelings of absolute gratitude, and thoughts of how my life could have been different had I been a victim of a priest molestation.  Tom McCarthy has been a solid indie writer/director for years, but he steps his work up to the big leagues as he crafts his magnum opus.  The whole cast of Spotlight works so well together, and unites to make you believe they have been working together for years.  Something also has to be said for the accuracy that the film portrays in its depiction. Every interview with the real reporters praise the historically accurate way the film portrayed their characters.  Spotlight is a spot-on portrayal of journalism, and can join the upper echelon of all time great media portrayals.

Grade: 9.7/10

2. The Revenant

Alejandro G, Inarritu is the most inventive and innovative directors in the game.  When you win Best Picture, which Inarritu did for Birdman, the concern is always going to be what the follow up movie is.  So Inarritu decided that he was going from a relatively small production to a mass scale epic that was to be shot in the Canadian wilderness, that would cost over 100 million dollars.  Keep in mind, thought this movie starred box office stars Leonardo Dicaprio and Tom Hardy, it should have been destined to flop.  However, with beautiful storytelling and some of the greatest cinematography of all time by Emmanuel "Chivo" Lubezski, Inarritu tells a legendary tale of revenge.  Fur trapper Hugh Glass, is left for dead after he is mauled by a bear by his fellow comrades.  Glass then struggles to survive, as he seeks revenge on everyone who left him for dead. Watching this movie, I knew it could be one that they will show in Film 101 on how to make movies.  Though the screenplay contains very few lines, Leonardo Dicaprio excels in perhaps his most difficult performance to date.  The question I have been asked the most this Oscar season is whether or no DiCaprio would finally win.  though it was not my favorite nominated performance, he would be an incredibly deserving recipient of the award. The Revenant is absolutely jaw-dropping, and one of the few movies of this year that will be remembered for generations to come.

Grade: 9.9/10 (.1 point off for mistaking a tree for your child. C'mon Leo.)

1. Mad Max: Fury Road

This movie is just stunning.  It takes an old, action movie formula or explosions, hot girls, and car chases, and makes it sophisticated.  Aussie madman director George Miller makes his return to the violent wasteland he created some 30+ years ago, this time with Tom Hardy in the lead.  With visually captivating and socially important themes, Mad Max also manages to make a badass female character in Furiousa, who is portrayed by Charlize Theron.  This was the most fun movie I saw all year, and cemented itself as one of the great action films of all time. Mad Max made it possible for future blockbusters to be smart and fun at the same time, instead of choosing one or another. (I'm looking at you, Interstellar.)  Easily my favorite this year, and an action masterpiece for the ages. 

Grade: 10/10

So here's my rankings. Agree? Disagree? Leave me a comment below!

Here's the link to Tim's rankings of the same Best Picture winners.


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