Ode to a Fucking Bitch

Ode to a Fucking Bitch
My silent heart loved you without agenda or hope,
and this dance we play is no fine waltz.
Instead of sitting here, and choosing to cry or mope,
let’s think for a while, and list all of your possible faults.

Your left eye is lazy, and continually droops,
you think you’re the shit, but you’re really just poops.
Your thin facial hair above your lip is just heinous.
Your breath smells like a donkey’s anus.
Your façade of being kind is only a trick,
there’s a bulge in your pants that looks like a dick,
You think being healthy is cool, just drinking your kale,
But your baptism took place at Sea World, you whale.
When conversing with you, I’d rather be dead.
Your vagina smells like dead ass and cornbread.
You’re promiscuous and you love your sex
And your favorite cereal is probably Chex.
So if you think this is childish, fuck you hoe,

Someone should impale you with a Hulk-sized dildo. 
