I Don’t Give A Flying Fuck
I’m starting to wonder what the hell we think we are
Doing taking another one of our cyclical sabbaticals
Over a senseless fight that got too heated over which
Nineties rapper was the best. I screamed Biggie Smalls, but you stood by
God you are such an argumentative cunt.
I have never seen someone so stubborn. I’m
Very tired of you trying to win
Every fight we enter.
A giant elephant needs to smash your head in.
Fake tears and manipulative actions
Lying and deceit are all just tools
You use to gain leverage on me, and yet
I still give into your way, even if it is
Noxious and toxic to my continual
Growth and development as a person.
Forget it all and take with your
Unmanageable life with you.
Command you to get as far away from me as you can and just
Know that I will never love you again.
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